Friday, September 30, 2011

920 Commonwealth Avenue - Brookline, MA 02446 - 617-208-4555
 Monday- Friday 5:00AM-11:00PM
Saturday & Sunday 7:00AM-10:00PM

Need to get ripped for Spring Break? Don’t live or want to work out on campus? Don’t want to give your paycheck and soul to Boston Sports Club? Then join GymIt in Brookline near Boston University. GymIt just opened this year and it is perfect for college students because it is affordable and relaxed. The gym has no commitments, which means a no-fee-cancellation at any time for when you move out of the area. Not to mention the membership only costs nineteen dollars a month. The gym comes equipped with brand spankin’ new iPod friendly equipment, an arsenal of flat screen televisions playing all your favorite shows, and a friendly weight room. GymIt is a smart gym for college students, which means there are mostly younger faces working out in the gym. Hello, eye candy. 

Scrawny boys and girls welcome!

Some of the 100 pieces of cardio equipment

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

160 Brighton Avenue - Allston, MA 02134 - 617.782.0882
Sun-Tues 11:00AM-1:00AM
 Wed-Sat 11:00-2:00AM

#3: 2 Slices of Sicilian w/ Soda: $5.00
Mike is the owner of Allston's Bravo Pizzeria and he proudly boasts his Sicilian cheese pizza as "unbeatable". I agree with Mike as I am a frequent customer for his Sicilian pizza. Mike's Sicilian secret is that the pie "has twice the amount of cheese and dough" than the thin crust pizza. The sauce used on Bravo's Sicilian is unique because it has "a lot more herbs and spices" so that it makes a more zesty pizza. Bravo Pizzeria is my go-to pizza joint not only because of the quality Sicilian, but also because of the way Mike treats his customers-- like friends.

Combo meals at Bravo Pizzeria
My roommates, friends, and family frequent Bravo Pizzeria and feel welcomed by the jolly and personable owner. Once I was too clumsy after the bar to hold on to my slice and when it dropped to the floor Mike handed me another. Not to mention every now and then Mike will give my roommates and I free pizza or something off the menu to try for free. When family comes to visit we go to Bravo to order a pie and Mike always comes to the table to meet his new customers. Every time we go into Bravo pizza we have friendly conversation and for this reason Bravo Pizzeria is a staple establishment in the pizza-eating community.
My roomie pretending to rob Mike w/ the Big Buck Hunter shotgun...